Protecting Your Business from Local SEO Scams: What You Need to Know

In today’s digital landscape, scams are not just widespread—they’re evolving, becoming ever more sophisticated. From the everyday spam emails to more intricate scams targeting specific business practices like SEO, no one is safe, including seasoned business owners. At Local Viking, we believe it’s crucial to stay informed about these threats. Here, we delve into the nature of Local SEO scams and offer guidance on safeguarding your business.

Understanding Local SEO Scams

1. Unrealistic Guarantees: One of the most glaring red flags is the promise of immediate top rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Legitimate SEO practices require time and adherence to search engine guidelines; anything else risks penalties and could damage your reputation long-term.

2. Keyword Overload: Another common tactic is keyword stuffing—overusing keywords to try and game search engine systems. This not only harms the user experience but also triggers search engine penalties.

3. Manufactured Reviews: Some disreputable services might offer to flood your site with glowing reviews. While tempting, this can backfire spectacularly, damaging your credibility if these falsifications are uncovered.

Spotting the Red Flags

SEO scammers often approach businesses with unsolicited emails or calls, making broad claims about your website’s performance without any real understanding of your specific situation. They might claim your site is underperforming on various fronts—from keyword rankings to social media presence—without offering any substantive data or tailored analysis.

Typical Scam Tactics Include:

  • Claiming nonexistent issues with your site’s SEO strategy.
  • Falsely asserting that your website doesn’t rank for crucial keywords.
  • Unsolicited advice on your website’s content and social media efforts, despite them having no access to your analytics or performance data.

Safeguarding Your Business

Educate Yourself and Your Team: The best defense against SEO scams is a good foundation in SEO knowledge. Understand the basics of how search engines work, including Google Analytics, SEO crawlers, and algorithm updates.

Research Thoroughly Before Hiring: Don’t take SEO firms at face value. Look for verified reviews, case studies, and testimonials. Genuine firms will be transparent about their strategies and realistic about expected outcomes.

Verify Claims: If approached by an SEO firm, verify their claims. Ask for detailed reports and evidence of their success with other clients.

Stay on Top of Your SEO Performance: Regularly reviewing your SEO performance can help you identify when something doesn’t add up, enabling you to act swiftly before any damage is done.

Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, it probably is. SEO is complex, but it shouldn’t be opaque. Professionals should be able to explain their services and how they will benefit your business in clear terms.

New Scam on the Block: Beware of Map Pin Moving

A particularly insidious tactic we’ve seen involves scammers moving the Google Map pin for a business to a completely incorrect location. This can disastrously redirect your local traffic and, if corrected without caution, could lead to your Google Business Profile being suspended. and rank drop. Always monitor your business profile closely and report any suspicious activities immediately.


At Local Viking, we’re committed to helping you navigate the complex seas of local SEO without falling prey to scammers. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect your business from these deceptive tactics that threaten your online presence and credibility. Remember, in SEO as in all business ventures, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Trust in reliable, proven SEO practices and partners who prioritize transparency and ethical strategies.

For personalized advice and a deep dive into your SEO strategy, contact our team today—let’s ensure your business isn’t just surviving, but thriving, in the digital age.

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